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God's Angry Man

Dr. Gene Scott's Nitro Pill Series
Lift Up Now
Thine Eyes
VF - 689
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Dr. Gene Scott Ph.D
Stanford University



Lift Up Now

Thine Eyes



ow this is the first Sunday I get to talk to my people—this class of students—the regular way we do it every Sunday.  No special day, no special subject—for the subject that I return to periodically, Genesis 13.  Now, my usual 3 hours will be cut down to about 30–40 minutes so relax.  This’ll be the first time I’ve heard those Bible leaves ripple in this building. 

Genesis 13.  Now let me tell you the context.  Abram has just really messed-up down in Egypt.  And this ‘Father of Faith’—both the Hebrew and the Christian to which the Scriptures looks for it’s spring of beginning—if he doesn’t prove anything else he proves that God’s kind of used to dealing with ‘bleep-ups.’  My editors out there in the truck will feel real good about that; I saved them all the work.

Faith.  What is Faith?  ‘A’—action, based upon belief, sustained by confidence.  We have a problem in the English language—this is old-hat to you but I’m gonna lay it down for the two or three that are here—we have a problem in the English language that when they translated both the Old Testament Hebrew words and the New Testament words that we call ‘faith,’ they picked a noun in the English language and totally destroyed the meaning of trust and faith as the Biblical words communicated.  You know this too. 

Faith or trust in the Old Testament comes from two words.  One: ‘to run to the shelter of a rock or a mother bird’s wings for shelter.’  Now you can stand all day and look at the rock and know it’ll shelter you, but it’s not trust or faith as the Old Testament word


conveyed the meaning until you hang your body on that belief and confidence and run to that shelter.  The other Old Testament word is ‘to lean your weight upon a staff.’  You can believe the staff will hold you but until you put your weight on it you’re not trusting or as I’d make the word up, ‘faithing.’ 

The New Testament word pisteo in the Greek, in English letters.…  I had somebody say last week “Could, could you drop the shade or something, write a little bigger?  We can’t see.”  It must have been a stranger.  When have you ever been able to read anything I write on the board?  I don’t go write on it for you to read.  Let’s get that straight.  It’s to organize my thoughts, and I can read what I write, and you already know what I’ve said thus far.

Pisteo is where we get that full meaning: ‘Action, based upon belief, sustained by confidence.’  When they translated that word and the other two Old Testament words as belief they destroyed the meaning.  And they reduce Faith down to something you can park in the corner of your cranium and if it’s accurate you have faith.  Not in the Old or the New Testament!  Faith is an action where you hang your body on a belief, sustained by confidence, and put yourself at risk on that which you believe and have confidence in. 

Now the whole world had gone awry under Nimrod the great rebel.  The Apocryphal Scriptures have a prophecy of Abram’s birth that frightened Nimrod.  His father Terah sent him away—I believe and the Apocryphal Scripture supports—to be trained by Shem and Noah who were still alive.  Be that as it may—and it may provide an explanation of why the whole world had gone awry and God could find one man that would trust Him.

And he called Abraham to leave his family and his city and go to a place that God had called him to but He hadn’t yet identified.  He

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