Here’s what you should know about Joe today.

To the Dr. Scott oldtimers, Joe isn't him. Deal with it.

But, you will find a certain familiar-ness with his teaching approach. You will absolutely recognize an echo of Doc in Joe's on-air personality. Naturally.

I can guarantee chuckles when you see and hear them!

To the newbie,

For some, Joe’s speaking style may be off putting at first. Let me get you over that learning curve immediately.

Teaching Christianity in today’s world (and for many years ramping up to it), has become a circus of entertainers, flashy sets, slick dressed, and practiced deliveries of snake oil salesmen.

Mega churches, huge productions, “Jesus Junk” merchandising, arousing musical services, and prosperity fueled “What can God do for you” sermons. This is what you’re used to, and have been conditioned to accept as credible.

This is not what you’ll get from Joe.

Joe Cortes is a Biblical Scholar. He reads and writes Hebrew and Greek. He teaches like a college professor. There’s no fancy studio, no studio audience, no studio band, no Jesus Junk merchandise, and no nonsense.

He comes across sometimes as angry. He’s not angry, he’s fervent for the word of God.


That means he feels responsible before God for what he’s preaching. And that’s a heavy yoke to bear.

And that makes Joe MY kind of preacher.